Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Translating Analysis



CHAPTER I : Introduction
What is children literature? What makes children have to learn it? Does literature too immature for being taught to the children? There are many questions such mentioned above in our daily life. Nowadays, especially in Developing countries, people who have ability in scientifical skill assume have higher position than other and neglected art and literature. But pratically, only high civilization people who take a huge attention on art and literature because those things have direct impact on how the society behave and communicate. When the literature work contain much more good moral so it is possible to make the children have good characteristic besause educational theory said that children are good imitator.
Children’s literature more delightful than before. The increasing number of children literature work and its more various lovers strive for importance of literature development and spread in order to fulfilling the reader’s expectation. The effort of spreading abroad children literature work to international readers can be done by translate the works into other languages, include Bahasa Indonesia. Translated children literature works has dominated Indonesian children literature as a whole. In the polysystem theory view, translated children literature work take a central place in Indonesian literature polysystem, while domestic children literature work has placed in peripheral position. (Eko Setyo Humanika, Ideologi Penerjemahan Wordplay Dalam Alice’s Advantures In Wonderland Ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia).
The Happy Prince and Others Stories is a group of meaningful classical unique stories. It has became a legend and still alive through the ages. Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde also known as Oscar Wilde (Oct 16th 1854 – Nov 30th 1900) , Poet and Playwright, wrote the stories containing much moral value, such as love, friendship, faith and etc, stated implicitly. He wrote it in 1888 as a group of childen’s fairytale. His stories are the classical model which inform that children literature works don’t have to be childish. Oscar Wilde’s works showed that literature not only take part as an entertaintment solely but also take part as a reflection of society’s problem and its solution too.
The objective of the research is to find out and analyze the domestication and foreignization in the target text which translated by Ratna Setyaningsih.

CHAPTER II : Literature Review
  1. Definition of Translation
There are many theorists describe what translation is in different ways. They have their own explanation about translation.
Translation means rendering the meaning of atext into another language in the way that the author intended the text (Newmark, 1988). It means that the translation to translate the meaning of the text to another language muat be intended with the message of the author.
Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent material in another language (TL) (Catford,in Machali 2000:5). It means that the translation is changing of the text material of the source language (SL) to the target language (TL) which in target language the text has the equivalence in the source language.
Translation involves the rendering of a source language (SL) text into target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of SL will be seriously distorted (Basnett,1980:2).
The term of translation refer to the transfer the meaning of the written message while the term of the interpretation refer to oral message (Nababan, 1997:12). It means that translation is the transfer the meaning of written message while interpretation refers to oral message translation.
  1. Function of Translation
In translation, the function of translation as an interlingua communication activity in developing country to get the information and technology. This statement is the same with Reiss argument “interlingual translation ( translation between two different languages) is a bilingual mediated process of communication, which usually aims at the production of a target language text that is fnctionally equivalent to source language text” ( Reiss in venutti, 2000:160). One clear statement is expressed by linguists. He states “… Translation is a process of communication: the objective of translating is to import the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader (Levy in venutti,200:148).
Based on the argument above e can conclude that the fiction of translation is not only to transfer a message from one language to another but as a communicative facilitaties same as the language function and we can differentiating both the original and translated text asses the differences and the similiarities between the two languages.
  1. Domestication and Foreignization in Translation
Yang (2010), in his paper Brief Study on Domestication and Foreignization in Translation, states that : “Domestication and foreignization are concerned with two cultures, the former means replacing the source culture with the target culture and the latter means preserving the differences of the source culture”. Only when there are differences in both linguistic presentation and cultural connotation, domestication and foreignization exist.
In his 1998 book The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference, Lawrence Venuti states that "Domestication and foreignization deal with 'the question of how much a translation assimilates a foreign text to the translating language and culture, and how much it rather signals the differences of that text'".
Singgih Deka in his essay “ Ideologi Penerjemahan”(Kompasiana.com, Dec 23rd 2011) stated that:
Foreignization: source text-oriented ideology of translation. It assumes that the presence of foreign culture has advantages for target reader. The main characteristic of this ideology is the existence of foreign cultural aspects which express in target text.
Foreignizational translator will applicate some methods,such as:
  • Word-For-Word Translation
  • Literal Translation
  • Faithful Translation
  • Semantic Translation

And some techniques, such as:
  • Literal Translation
  • Borrowing : Pure and Natural
  • Calque
Based on Andy Bayu Nugroho and Johnny Prasetyo’s research entitled “Domestikasi dan Foreinisasi dan Dampaknya terhadap Terjemahan”, There are several advantages and drawbacks in foreignization:
Target readers be able to comprehend SL culture
Target readers might feel strange on several terms.
Target text be able to set SL culture atsmosphere up.
Target text seems to be complicated and unnatural in use.
There is a possibility of intercultural learning.
SL’s bad aspect can easily influence target reader.

Domestication based on Singgih Deka’s essay is TL-oriented ideology of translation. Translator determine what to be needed in order to make the text seems not like to be foreign work for target reader. Domesticational translator will applicate some methods,such as:
  • Adaptation
  • Free Translation
  • Idiomatic Translation
  • Communicative Translation
And some techniques, such as:
  • Transposition
  • Modulation
  • Compesation
  • Etc
Andy Bayu Nugroho and Johnny Prasetyo’s research also explain the advantages and drawbacks of domestication:
Target reader can comprehend TT easily.
SL cultural aspects fade away.
TT seems so natural and communicative.
Target reader can’t interprete freely toward TT, because it has been done by translator.
There is a possibilty of cultural assimilation.
Target reader don’t get SL cultural knowledge.

  1. Translation Tecniques
  1. Direct Translation Techniques
are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language. Direct translation techniques include:
  • Borrowing
Borrowing is the taking of words directly from one language into another without translation. Borrowed words are often printed in italics when they are considered to be "foreign". E.g : abbatoire, café, passé and résumé (English borrow from French).
  • Calque
A calque or loan translation (itself a calque of German Lehnübersetzung) is a phrase borrowed from another language and translated literally word-for-word. E.g: English include “standpoin”t and “beer garden” from German Standpunkt and Biergarten .
  • Literal Translation
A word-for-word translation can be used in some languages and not others dependent on the sentence structure.
  1. Oblique Translation Techniques
are used when the structural or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistics elements of the target language. Oblique translation techniques include:
  • Transposition
This is the process where parts of speech change their sequence when they are translated (blue ball becomes boule bleue in French).
  • Modulation
Consists of using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to convey the same idea: Te lo dejo means literally I leave it to you but translates better as You can have it.
  • Reformulation or Equivalence
Here you have to express something in a completely different way, for example when translating idioms or advertising slogans. The process is creative, but not always easy. The movie The Sound of Music into Spanish as La novicia rebelde (The Rebellious Novice in Latin America) or Sonrisas y lágrimas (Smiles and Tears in Spain).
  • Adaptation
occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. E.g : Pincho (a Spanish restaurant menu dish) translated as kebab in English.
  • Compensation
can be used when something cannot be translated, and the meaning that is lost is expressed somewhere else in the translated text. E.g : nuances of formality from languages that use forms such as Spanish informal and formal usted, French tu and vous, and German du and sie into English which only has 'you', and expresses degrees of formality in different ways.

CHAPTER III: Research Method
  1. Research Method
In this analysis, I use the library research to find theories dealing with this subject from various books and dictionary.

  1. Data and Data Sources
The data source of this analysis is written text which were taken from one of the masterpiece books written by Oscar Wilde The Happy Prince and Other Stories in 1888. This book was translated by Ratna Setyaningsih, Pangeran Bahagia dan Dongeng- dongeng Lainnya in 2010. The dsta is collected by closely observing the expression and terms in SL and TL by reading and analyzing them repeatdly. Then the data were taken directly from the source.
CHAPTER IV: Research Finding
  1. Foreignization
Source Text
Target Text
Story(pages ST:TT)
1 Ghetto Ghetto (kawasan umat Yahudi) The Happy Prince (4:10)
2 Linen Linen
The Happy Prince
3 Ornithology Ornithologi (Ilmu mengenai burung)
The Happy Prince
4 Hawthorn Hawthorn
The Nightingale and The Rose
5 Bluebell Bluebell

6 Heather Heather

7 Willow Willow The Devoted Friend (14:58)
8 Gilly Gilly The Devoted Friend(15:60)
9 Sherped’s-Purses Kantong-gembala

10 Fair-maids of France Perawan Perancis

11 Iilac Crocuses Crosus ungu

12 Columbine Columbine

13 Lady’s mock Lady’s mock

14 Honeysuckle Honeysuckle The Devoted Friend (18:69)
15 Aurora Borealis Aurora Borealis The Remarkable Rocket (22:88)

From The Happy Prince and Other Stories,There are 15 findings of proper name in 4 (from 5) stories that indicate as foreignization. Mainly, they classified into 3 categories based on translation technique:
  1. Amplification
There are 2 findings which amplified by definitions.
  • Ghetto: Jew’s Area.
  • Ornithology: Scientific knowledge about Bird.
Those findings could be amplified, on account of they have clear definition in dictionary.

  1. Borrowing
There are 10 findings of borrowing : Linen, Hawthorn, Bluebell,Heather, Willow, Gilly,Columbine, Lady’s mock, Honeysuckle and Aurora Borealis.
Those finding might be don’t have equivalence in Indonesia’s cultural concept. Because of the geographical reason (The author came from Europe which has subtropical climate while Indonesia has tropical one).

  1. Calque
There are 3 findings of calque:
  • Sherped’s-Purses à Kantong-gembala
  • Fair-maids of France à Perawan Perancis
  • Iilac Crocuses à Crosus Ungu
All of them are the name of the flowers which don’t have equivalence in Indonesian’s cultural concept. Translator tried to use calque technique by translate each elements(words).

  1. Domestication

Source Text
Target Text
Story(pages ST:TT)
1 Weathercock Hiasan penunjuk arah angin The Happy Prince (2:3)
2 Come to the point at once Blak-blakan The Happy Prince (2:5)
3 Courtiers Orang-orang di istana The Happy Prince (3:7)
4 Yellow Lions Singa-singa
The Happy Prince
5 Sung Kidung The Nightingale and The Rose (8:28)
6 The Hyacinth Blossom Sehitam malam

7 And my love will be of the company. Dan kekasihku akan datang ke pesta itu.

8 Amber Batu berharga The Nightingale and The Rose (9:31)
9 Chamberlain Pengurus rumah tangga kerajaan The Nightingale and The Rose (11:39)
10 Pearl Putih gading yang lembut The Selfish Giant (12:44)

12 Smilling from ear to ear Tersenyum sangat lebar The Devoted Friend (16:65)
13 Buy back Menebus The Devoted Friend (17:66)
14 Sunday Coat Mantel yang kukenakan ke gereja di hari minggu The Devoted Friends (17:67)
15 But I’m not like the rest of the world. Tapi aku tidak sama dengan orang lain.

16 The Sixth Milestone Separuh perjalanan The Devoted Friend (18:70)
17 Say exactly what one means Berterus terang The Devoted Friends(18:71)
18 The Chief of Mourner Pemimpin iring-iringan orang yang pergi ke pemakaman The Devoted Friend (20:78)

From The Happy Prince and Other Stories,There are 18 findings in 4 (from 5) stories that indicate as domestication. Mainly, they classified into 7 categories based on translation technique:
  1. Description
There are 6 findings which indicated used description technique:
  • Weathercock à Hiasan penunjuk arah angin
  • Courtiers à Orang-orang di istana
  • Chamberlain à Pengurus rumah tangga kerajaan
  • Pearl à Putih gading yang lembut
  • Sunday Coat à Mantel yang kukenakan ke gereja di hari minggu
  • The Chief of Mourner à Pemimpin iring-iringan orang yang pergi ke pemakaman
TL (Bahasa Indonesia) doesn’t has the equivalence for those items. Translator has to describe it in order to keep the idea of every item although it lose some senses because of cultural barrier. E.g: The idea of “weathercock”.It is rare in Indonesia. Translator render it as “hiasan penunjuk arah angin”. The idea of “what it is like” and “where it usually be” are gone.
  1. Reduction
There are 3 items which indicated as reduction:
  • Come to the point at once àBlak-blakan
  • Yellow lions à singa-singa
  • Say exactly what one means à berterus terang
TL has shorter expression in describing those 3 points,on account of target reader has general idea about what talking about in TL context. For example, “Yellow lions” render as “singa-singa”, reducting the idea of “yellow”. Target reader (Indonesian children) already know that lion is yellow. It is rather different with the general concept in soure language reader who seldom see lion because of geographical reason.
  1. Particularization
There is just one item which indicated as particularization:
  • Sung à Kidung

Translator render “sung” into “kidung”. The general idea of “sing” in TL is “Bernyanyi” but it has several some particular term such as berdendang (singing without lyric) , nembang (has traditional sense,especially javanese) and kidung itself which has sacred sense.

  1. Reformulation
There are 3 items that indicated as reformulation:
  • The Hyacinth Blossom à sehitam malam
  • The Sixth Milestone à Separuh perjalanan
Translator express the SL item to TL item with different real meaning. “The Hyacinth Blossom” and “sehitam malam” (back translation: “as dark as night”) have different definition but have the similar idea of “beautiful dark”. When the item translated word-for-word translation, it will make the target reader confused, e.g: In TL it is common to forbid someone to enter area with expression of “DILARANG MASUK” (Back Translation: Don’t Enter) rather than “ ORANG YANG MASUK AREA INI AKAN DITUNTUT” (Back Translation: Trespasser will be prosecuted).
  1. Modulation
There are 2 items which show as modulation:
  • And my love will be of the company. àDan kekasihku akan datang ke pesta itu.
  • But I’m not like the rest of the world. à Tapi aku tidak sama dengan orang lain.
Translator choose other phrase to convey the same idea of literal meaning. For example, Phrase “and my love will be of the company” render as “ dan kekasihku akan datang ke pesta” which has back translation of “ and my lover will come to the ball”. In fact, they state the same idea.

  1. Adaptation
There are two items that indicated as adaptation:
  • Smilling from ear to ear àTersenyum sangat lebar
  • Buy back à Menebus
It is more familiar in TL to state “tersenyum sangat lebar” (back translation: smilling widely) rather than “smilling ear to ear”.
  1. Generalization
There just one item which shows as generalization:
  • Amber à Batu berharga
Translator can’t find the equivalence of “amber’ so she generalize the idea of “amber” to “batu berharga” (back translation:precious stone).

CHAPTER V : Conclusion
The research show us that translator used domestication ideological translation based on the level of variation in translation technique. Domestication has more items to be render than foreignization. Translator managed the foreign items well although there are some friction in it. She also be succesful in preserve her ideology, domestication,even if not exhaustive. There is no absolution in foreignization or domestication, there is just foreignization-oriented or domestication oriented.

Hatim, Basil and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resource Book, New York: The Taylor & Francis Group.
Setyaningsih, Ratna. 2010. Pangeran Bahagia dan Dongeng-Dongeng Lainnya, Surabaya: PORTICO Publishing.
Wilde, Oscar . 1888. The Happy Prince and Other Stories, _________: Project Gutenberg Literary Archieve Fonundation.
Prasetyo, Johnny and Andy Bayu Nugroho.2009. Domestikasi dan Foreinisasi dan Dampaknya terhadap Terjemahan , Surakarta : ______
Deka, Singgih. 2011. Ideologi Penerjemahan, ______: Kompasiana.com

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